Getting Started

To play Adventure Castle you will need an Amazon Alexa enabled device such as an Amazon Echo or other smart speaker with Amazon Alexa capabilities. The list of devices supporting Alexa grows rapidly, including integration with car audio systems. You may also be able to use the Alexa App through your mobile device. All of these options require an Amazon account, which is free.

You can enable the Adventure Castle skill on the Amazon Alexa Skills Store or simply say "Alexa, launch Adventure Castle" from an Alexa enabled device. If this is your first time playing, you will hear a one-time greeting with parental guidance warnings due to adult themes and graphic descriptions of monster battles. Follow the prompts to begin playing.

Welcome Adventure! You have just entered the castle.

When the game begins you should hear a prompt along the lines of:

Welcome Adventurer! You have just entered the castle. The passage to your left is dank and slippery, sloping downward. The passage to the right is steep and dry and very hot. What would you like to do now?

If this is your first time playing, we recommend that you explore the most obvious choices, first. Say "Go left" or "Go right" Trying both options will lead you through an in-game tutorial which will guide you through additional commands.

Adventure Castle is not a Choose Your Own Adventure. It is a fully featured voice interactive game. This can make playing Adventure Castle both rewarding and frustrating.

For the best experience, follow the instructions in the tutorial as closely as you can and follow these recommendations as you play:

1. Try to learn the commands the game expects, and the proper format for each command. 
2. Try not to get frustrated when the game gives an unexpected response.
3. Pay attention to error messages for clues of what might have gone wrong.

In other words, don't get too cute with your responses. Be patient and prepared to repeat or rephrase a failed command. Listen for clues on failed responses, particularly if the game repeats a different word than you gave it. This could be an indication that you need to speak more clearly, rephrase your command or perhaps try something entirely different.

Good Luck!

This should be enough information to get most players started. You can see the Tips and Tricks section for more guidance. We hope you enjoy Adventure Castle Episode 1: The Curse of the Tainted Crown!