The passage to your left...


The story behind the story

The year was 2016. Amazon had just released developer access to the public. My very first attempt at creating a voice interactive game began with "Welcome adventurer! You have just entered the castle. The passage to your left is dank and slippery, sloping downward. The passage to the right is steep and dry and very hot."

At the end of each choice was a short and abrupt death scene. I always expected I would erase this and start over with more choices. Over the course of the next three years, I would build additional rooms with advanced interactive functionality. I would also redesign the entire game platform from scratch, not once, but twice. instead of replacing that first room with something new, I ended up building an entire story around it.

Our Approach

Our Story

About the Author


James Guinn

James Guinn is an aspiring author and game developer. He lives near Charlotte, North Carolina. He works full time in a technology role for a major bank while attending to creative projects like "Adventure Castle" as a hobby in his spare time.